Dear Parents/Carers, Our School Council have delivered a thought-provoking assembly focused on COP27 and the Pope’s letter about the climate crisis, protecting our ‘common home’. Their assembly is available to view on our Eco-Schools G-Suite site. School Council have encouraged the school to think about the nature which surrounds us, our ‘common home’ starting here…
Dear Parents/Guardians, We will be holding a reading and phonics meeting for Year 1 parents at 2.40pm on Thursday 10th November in the school hall. The meeting will finish by 3.10 so that you will be able to collect your child at the end of the day. In this meeting, we will be explaining how…
Dear Parents/Carers, The children in years 1-6 took part in an Online Safety assembly this week. They considered the safety aspects of ‘contact’ when using the internet. The children demonstrated an excellent knowledge of online safety and how it relates to themselves. The children in Years 1, 2 and 3 listened to a story called…
Dear Parent/Carer, A gentle reminder that we do not allow mobile phones in school: ‘Pupils are not permitted to bring in mobile phones or any digital devices: into school (including before and after school clubs) on school trips. A mobile phone brought in to school by a pupil will be confiscated and returned to the…
Our new Scholastic Book Club is up and running! Visit our online shop to browse the latest books and order online. For every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 20p in Scholastic Rewards. Please place your order online by November 11th, 2022.