

Science teaching at St Thomas Becket aims to give all children a strong understanding of the world around them whilst acquiring specific skills and knowledge to help them to think scientifically, to gain an understanding of scientific processes and also an understanding of the uses and implications of Science, today and for the future.



All children are encouraged to develop and use a range of skills including observations, planning and investigations, as well as being encouraged to question the world around them and become independent learners in exploring possible answers for their scientific based questions.

Specialist vocabulary for topics is taught and built up, and effective questioning to communicate ideas is encouraged.

Teachers plan the Science curriculum using the Learning Challenge Curriculum which helps to sequence knowledge and working scientifically skills progression through the school.

The children have a ‘Big Question’ for each unit to launch their topics.

Scientific enquiry skills are embedded in each topic the children study and these are revisited and developed throughout their time at school. Topics, such as Plants, are taught in Key Stage One and studied again in further detail throughout Key Stage Two. This model allows children to build upon their prior knowledge and increases their enthusiasm for the topics whilst embedding this procedural knowledge into the long-term memory.

Scientific trips and visits from experts are used to increase all children’s Science Capital.



Our Science Curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression. If children are keeping up with the curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress through written work scrutiny, enquiry skills, higher level questioning and an interest in Science for life.