Physical Education
Physical Education is an integral part of our curriculum that is inclusive to all and aims to engage children through a safe and supportive environment that is essential to ensure all children obtain optimum physical and emotional development , good health and well-being. Through high quality teaching and learning opportunities, children will learn to be cooperative and collaborative with others and learn to be part of an effective team, understand fairness and sportsmanship. Children will also learn life skills such as swimming.
Pupils participate in two PE lessons each week, one being with specialist coaches. Subject expertise, through regular CPD ensures that Physical Education is taught effectively. Children learn through a range of sporting activities such as invasion games, net and wall games, striking and fielding games, gymnastics, dance, orienteering and swimming (year 3). Children have multiple opportunities throughout the year to attend sporting events within the borough of Croydon and also compete with other schools in our Catholic cluster. As a school, we also host our own sports days and other competitions, such as the 'Football World Cup'. In addition to this, children are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular clubs and activities, whether it be after school or during half term. Sporting success and participation is celebrated and highlighted through assemblies to continue to raise the profile and importance of the subject.
Children will achieve age related expectations in PE at the end of each academic year and will continue to develop a wide range of skills as they move through the school. Our PE curriculum ensures that when children leave our school, they understand the importance of health and well-being and are motivated and confident to participate in physical activity and get enjoyment out of it. Pupils understand and implement the core values such as honesty, sportsmanship, respect, self-belief and resilience in different aspects of their lives.