Registration Form 05/10/2023 Breakfast & After School Care "*" indicates required fields Child's Name* First name Surname GenderPlease selectMaleFemaleDate of Birth* Day Month Year Parent/Carer's Name 1* First name Surname Mobile phone number*Home phone numberWork phone numberEmail address* Parent/Carer's Name 2 First name Surname Mobile phone numberHome phone numberWork phone numberEmail address Family Home Address* Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Adress Line 3 Post Code Emergency Contact Name & Number (must be different to parent/carer above)*Name of person(s) with permission to collect your child*Please nominate a one-word password that we can use in the event that we are unable to identify the person collecting your child (e.g: ‘purple’)*Childcare Vouchers & Tax Free Childcare PaymentsIf you are using either of these methods to pay for wraparound care, please provide details here...Medical, Dietary & Special NeedsEmergency Care Consent* Please give your consent for us to take your child to the nearest Emergency Department should your child have any accident or become ill whilst attending the service. Please also include any additional information below that we may need to share with the paramedics should this situation occur.Please include with your registration any further information concerning your child’s needs, including any Special Needs, Medical Conditions and Dietary Requirements.*Behaviour StatementChildren are expected to behave in accordance with St Thomas Becket behaviour policy. If a child demonstrates inappropriate behaviour, the Headteacher has the right to withdraw that child. Requesting a place at the wrap around care club constitutes acceptance of the following:* Cancellations can only be made up to (but not later than) 48 hours after the booked session is due to commence Pupils will receive a substantial snack rather than a main evening meal at the after-school club (see handbook for full details) Late collection incurs a cost of £5 per 5 minutes Signature*Full name and realtionship to child*Today's Date* Day Month Year