Year 2 Ten-Ten Unit
Dear Parents and Carers,
This term, we will be teaching the first Ten-Ten unit, ‘Let the Children Come’, as part of Relationship and Sex Education (RSE).
Children will learn that:
- We are created individually by God
- God wants us to talk to Him often through the day and treat Him as our best friend
- God has created us, His children, to know, love and serve Him
- We are created as a unity of body, mind and spirit: who we are matters and what we do matters
- We can give thanks to God in different ways
For more information about the unit and for suggested home activities please see the Ten-Ten parent portal.
To access the online parent platform and familiarise yourselves with the content of the programme please visit:
School Username: thomas-becket-se25
School Password: another-world
If you have any questions please let us know.
Kind regards,
The Year 2 Team