IMPORTANT – Change to Friday mornings

Dear Reception Parent or Carer,

From this Friday, 20th January we will be trialling a new system in Reception on PE days. We would like the children to come to school wearing their PE kit (including plimsolls) on Friday mornings, bringing their school uniform and school shoes in their PE bag with them. We will then change the children into their school uniform after our PE lessons. The reason for this change is that we feel the amount of time that it takes for the children to change is using up a large chunk of our learning time on a Friday morning. We will trial this arrangement up until February half term when we will carry out a review to see if it is working well. We will be in touch again to inform you if there are any subsequent changes.

Please note: We will be doing PE inside this term which means that PE kits should be t-shirt and shorts. The children may wear a tracksuit over their PE kit to come to school but they will be expected to remove this for the actual PE lesson.

We will be sending any PE kits home that are in school this week so that your child can wear their kit to school on Friday.

Best wishes,
Mrs Clarke and Mrs Damacus