After School Girls Football (years 4 – 6)
Dear Parent/ Guardian,
The Palace for Life Foundation are delighted to be back for the Autumn Term at St Thomas Becket Primary School to deliver our After School Coaching programme.
Our after school clubs will include a number of fun and exciting games and activities to develop various skills including dribbling, passing and shooting.
The 11 sessions this term will run from 21st September and will be:
Thursdays: 3.15 pm to 4.15 pm
Cost: £22
Please ensure your child brings the following:
• A water bottle
• A coat- preferably waterproof
• Appropriate footwear
• Any required medication
Please book on their website, Palace for Life Soccer Schools by selecting the correct venue. Please pay by credit/debit card as their coaches are unable to take cash payments. Please ensure your details are up to date when booking.
There are only 16 available places. If they have an overwhelming response, this could be increased to accommodate more.
We hope to see you there!