Year 5 Ten Ten lesson on Puberty
July 2023
Dear parents/guardians,
This week and next week, we will be covering the TenTen programme as part of our Sex and Relationship Education (SRE). The children will:
- Learn what the term puberty means;
- Learn when they can expect puberty to take place;
- Understand that puberty is part of God’s plan for our bodies.
Pupils will learn to use the correct terminology for genitalia relating to the discussion on puberty and explore some of the specific physical and emotional changes that will take place for boys and girls over the coming years.
We have opted to split the year group into separate classes of boys and girls for these lessons; these classes will be led by Mr Slater and Mrs Lee.
Though we will be covering the above programme content in class and answering related questions the children may have, please ensure that you continue to have discussions at home with your child as they grow and change through adolescence.
We will be using the materials from LKS2 Module 1, Unit 2 Changing bodies and What is puberty?
There is an online parent platform so that you, as parent and carers, can engage with the teaching and deepen the experience for your child.
To access the online parent platform and so to familiarise yourself with the content of the sessions, please visit: School Username: thomas-becket-se25 School Password: another-world .
Kind regards,
Mr Slater and Mr Ocansey