Year 5 Visit to Trinity School
Dear Parent/Carer,
As previously mentioned in our homework newsletter, on Friday (30th June) the pupils in Year 5 will be visiting Trinity School (a top 25 school in the country) as we have been offered the opportunity to experience 3 taster sessions of secondary school life. On the day, children should arrive to school at the usual time. With the help of three parent helpers (thank you so much to those who have volunteered), we will then be walking to Trinity School, hoping to arrive for 9:30.
On this day, pupils will need the following:
- To arrive wearing their school PE kit. A sun hat and sun screen is recommended for the walk.
- To bring a disposable packed lunch and water bottle in a clearly named ruck sack (not a Thomas Becket school bag please).
The trip is totally free of charge and we are sure that children will be excited for their opportunity to take part. Throughout the day, the sessions children will be involved in include:
- Modern Foreign Languages
- Classics
- PE
These sessions will be led by Trinity School teaching staff as well as volunteer students from Year 9 and 10 who excel in their chosen subject. Following our visit, we plan to return to Thomas Becket for 3pm (walking back), so we will be back for normal pick up time.
We are once again so thankful to have received sufficient amount of parent helpers at such short notice! Your efforts are so highly appreciated and the children will benefit from this opportunity as a result. Thank you!
Kind regards,
Mr Slater and Mr Ocansey