Year 4 Ten Ten Programme

Dear Year 4 Parents and Carers,

This half term, we will be teaching the next Ten-Ten unit.

This is Module 1: Created and Loved by God

Unit 4: Life cycles

Learning Objectives:
Children will learn:

·       That they were handmade by God with the help of their parents;

·       How a baby grows and develops in its mother’s womb including, scientifically, the uniqueness of the moment of conception;

·       How conception and life in the womb fits into the cycle of life;

Module 3: Created to live in a community

Unit 1

Session 1: A community of Love

Learning Objectives
Children will learn that:

·        God is Love as shown by the Trinity – a ‘communion of persons supporting each other in their self-giving relationship’

·        The human family is to reflect the Holy Trinity in mutual charity and generosity

Session 2: What is the church?

Learning Objectives:
Children will learn that:

·        The human family can reflect the Holy Trinity in charity and generosity.

·        The Church family comprises of home, school and parish (which is part of the diocese).

For more information about the unit and for suggested home activities please see the Ten-Ten parent portal.

To access the online parent platform and familiarise yourselves with the content of the programme please visit:

School Username: thomas-becket-se25

School Password: another-world

If you have any questions please let us know.

Kind regards,

Miss Barrett and Mrs Lee​