Summer Fair


The Becket Summer Fair will take place this Saturday, 2nd July 2pm-6pm The sun is expected to shine, we have a DJ, lots of stalls and bar Please come along and support us There’s also a special performance from our school choir! If you can volunteer for a stall or to help with set-up or…

Platiunum Jubilee Book


Dear Parents and Carers, The Department for Education commissioned a commemorative book ‘Queen Elizabeth: A Platinum Jubilee Celebration’ as a gift to all children in state-funded primary school education in the UK. It is written for a reading age of 9 to 10 years old, upper key stage 2. The book explains what the Platinum…

St Bernadette – PE kit


Dear Parent/Carer, As St Bernadette’s class have PE in the morning and swimming in the afternoon tomorrow, we suggest that they arrive at school wearing their PE kit instead of school uniform. They will not need to bring their uniform on this occasion. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. The School Office

Buying Uniform


Dear Parent/Carer, If you would like to purchase any uniform, ready for September, please use your child’s ParentPay account where you will find all the items we sell at school. Please refer to the uniform webpage here. Alternatively, you can call into the office where you can pay by card. Please note that any orders…

ST BERNADETTE – Arrive in PE Kit


Dear Parent/Carer, As St Bernadette’s class have PE in the morning and swimming in the afternoon on Monday, we suggest that they arrive at school wearing their PE kit instead of school uniform. This will hopefully, save on time and energy, resulting in a more productive day. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. The…

Current guidance from Public Health


Dear Parent/Carer, Please follow the link to view the current guidance if your child has symptoms of COVID 19 or if they have a positive test result. Continue to monitor your child and inform the office of any absence. The School Office  

St Peter swimming


Dear Parent,Carer, The children have really improved with their swimming. You make like to take the opportunity of coming to watch them. South Norwood Pool at 1pm. On Thursday they will need long leg and long sleeve pyjamas or something equivalent that is light weight. This is for the life saving element of their course.…

Autumn Term 2022


Dear Parent/Carer, In September, we will be offering out the new sessions of before and after school activities to years 1-6. Please keep an eye out for a text message at the beginning of September with the term’s choices for the year groups. If you are unfamiliar with the process and how it works, further…

Parenting Smart


For support and practical tips in supporting your children’s wellbeing with everyday family concerns, Place2Be have created Parenting Smart. Please click here for our ‘Adult Resources’ page on our Wellbeing Site for more information.

Rainbow Raffle

