Mass at St George’s Cathedral – Faith Leaders

Dear Parents/Carers,

Your child is a faith leader at St Thomas Becket school and we are very grateful for their work in promoting our mission around the school and beyond. A group of 8 faith leaders, along with Mr Skehan, have been invited to attend a start of year mass at St George’s Cathedral in London – it takes place next Wednesday 20th at 10.45am. We will be leaving school around 9.15am, walking to Norwood Junction station and then getting a train to Waterloo station. After mass there are light refreshments in the hall next door to the cathedral and we will then be travelling back to school. We will not be back in school in time for lunch, so please can you provide a packed lunch for your child on that day.

We have space for one additional adult to join us, so if you are free on Wednesday 20th and you would like to join us, please let us know when you are replying to give permission for your child to attend the trip. If more than one adult volunteers we will select a helper at random from those who have volunteered. Thanks for your support.

Please reply via email to the school office:

Kind regards,

Mr Skehan