Junior Choir Rehearsals (Years 4 – 6)
Dear Parents and Carers,
This term choir will be starting back on Wednesday 27th September 20th September
Rehearsals will take place after school on Wednesdays from 3.15pm – 4.15 every week.
There will be lots of exciting concerts and music making opportunities for Choir this year including the Deanery Mass (at Our Lady’s Tuesday 3rd October 4.30pm) and the Christmas Carol service!
Choir will be dismissed from the Hall doors into the playground. Please be prompt when picking your child up as 2 late pick ups will mean your child can no longer be part of choir.
We have lots of exciting concerts and music making opportunities this term (such as the Christmas Carol service, Christmas fair and Unity club concert), and will need 100% commitment for rehearsals and concert dates. We are striving for an excellent and committed choir. With so many children, good behaviour will be of the upmost importance. Please make sure that your children are willing to cooperate fully in choir rehearsals, as misbehaviour will not be tolerated. Choir will operate a ‘3 strikes’ system (2 warnings and then you are out).
Please check with your children if they are fully committed to attending choir, as those who just want to chat with friends will not be able to during rehearsals.
If you would like to be part of Junior Choir, and are happy to commit to rehearsals and concerts, please use the form below. Please complete the form even if your child attended Junior Choir last term.
I am looking forward to meeting you all after such a long time and for a term of super singing and wonderful enthusiasm from you all,
Mrs C Longhurst
Junior Choir