Healthy Sandwich Making
Dear Parent/Carer,
As part of our Design Technology lessons, we have been designing a healthy sandwich which we will be making on Monday 17th July. They will be able to eat this in their afternoon lesson but will eat their packed lunch / school dinner as usual during lunctime.
The children have been learning about making healthy choices and following hygienic practices including washing hands, using a clean work space, tying back hair and wearing an apron. We will also be learning how to use cutlery and other utensils safely.
As the children have had the opportunity to design their own unique sandwich, we would like to ask for your support in providing the contents of their sandwich ready for our lesson on Monday. All containers should be plastic and clearly named. No glass please!
The children should only bring enough for their ONE sandwich – we will provide the low fat spread which they can use if they wish.
They will need:
- Their choice of bread (wholemeal is better! Slices/wrap/pitta/roll) – 2 slices max
- Their choice of healthy main filling (e.g. chicken, tuna (pre-opened and put into a small labelled, named container), beef, cheese)
- Their choice of up to 2 salad fillings (fruit or vegetable to be creative!)
Please do not bring:
- Nuts or peanut butter of any kind
- Egg
- Sesame seeds
- Sauces or dressings such as chilli sauce, mayo or ketchup
- Any liquid
- Any fried food
- Chocolate or other unhealthy spreads
- Any food still left in its tin!
Please let us know of any new allergies that the school have not been made aware of. All food will be stored in a shared fridge so please ensure that your child’s items are named and labelled with the contents in a plastic carrier bag. School lunch bags will not fit in the fridge so it is important that a regular carrier bag is used.
We look forward to this fun session with the children and thank you in advance for your support.
The Year 4 Team
(Mrs Lee, Miss Barrett, Mrs Frost, Mrs Noble and Miss Cook)