Year 5 Science Museum Trip

Dear Parent/Carer,

We are looking forward to our Year 5 trip to the Science Museum tomorrow.

Please ensure your child arrives at school for 8.10am (via the office entrance). Children should make their way straight to their classroom for registration.

The children will need:

  • A packed lunch – no fizzy drinks, glass bottles, sweets or anything containing nuts
  • Full school uniform and suitable outwear – waterproof jacket/coat and a hat if needed
  • A named rucksack (not Thomas Becket school bag)

We aim to arrive back at school for 4.00pm. If the coach is delayed, a text message will be sent with an expected arrival time.

Thank you to those who have contributed to the cost of the trip via ParentPay. We really do appreciate these contributions as they enable us to continue organising and providing trips like this in order to enrich the children’s learning.

Kind regards,

The School Office


Letter 21/10/2022