Dear parent/carer, We are excited to be attending the Let Your Feet Compete Dance Competition on Tuesday 11th July. You will need to bring your child to Trinity school at 6pm promptly. The show starts at 7pm. Children must be collected from the show promptly at 9.30pm. We will be taking the children to a…
Industrial action July
Dear Parent/Carer, A few things to remember for your child during this hot and sunny weather: Sun cream – please ensure your child applies a strong factored sun cream before they come to school Hats – you can purchase a school summer cap from the office or via ParentPay for £5 Water – please ensure…
Dear Parent/Carer, You are warmly invited to our Arts Week exhibition on Thursday 22nd June at 3.20pm in the school hall. This year it’s all about ‘The Sea’. Come and see our inspirational art work on display as well as watching the choir, orchestra and a small year 3 dance group (to be confirmed) perform.…
Smarties Challenge
‘Becket Break The Rules Day’! For one day only children are allowed to break selected school rules – please see list below. For every rule they break, please pay 50p via ParentPay (or £3 to break all the rules). Wacky hair Trainers or odd shoes Funky tights / socks Non-school jumper / football shirt Non-school…
Our plant pot swap has been relocated and restocked! It is now situated outside the year 3 classrooms. Please feel free to take home pots or to donate clean, plant pots from home. This is a fantastic opportunity to reuse plastic as a school community. Happy planting!
Dear Parent/Carer, The school have been developing the Well-Being room so the children have a friendly comfortable place to meet and chat. There are now three ways children can access support in school with any mental and well-being concerns. These are through counselling, Nurture or ELSA support assistants. If you ever have concerns about your…
Please click on the links below to discover more about becoming a foster carer: 30 For Croydon Flyer Why Foster for Croydon Are you already looking after someone else’s child? This could be a Private Fostering arrangement. Read more here: Private Fostering