
Dear Parents and Carers,

We were hoping to issue refunds via ParentPay this week but this has been delayed, and we apologise for this. We will notify you as soon as the refund is on its way.

For ParentPay payers, once your refund has been processed for the residential trip to Grosvenor Hall, you will receive an email notification from ParentPay and get a notification when you next log into the ParentPay system.

This notification explains the amount, the pupil, and the payment item associated with the refund. You will then be able to use the refunded amount to pay for another item or can choose to withdraw the amount back to the account/card the original payment was made from.

For cash payments, your cheque is ready and will be sent home with your child on Thursday 7 July, or if you prefer, you may collect from the office.

Please note, you will only be issued a refund for any amount paid over £55, as this was the recalculated cost referred to in this letter.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the office and we will be happy to help.

The School Office